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Previous workshops
You are welcome to my Autumn Female Gypsy Dances workshop, where we will evoke traditional Turkish, Indian, Spanish and Balkan Romani women’s dance techniques for inspiration, and unleash our bodies […]
Ljubljana, 1000 Szlovénia
The autumn equinox marks a transition from an outpouring, fertile period towards the silence. This time of year we think through, clean and put in order the things we lived […]
XXI. Festival Internacional de Danzas del mundo Detailed schedule of the workshops:
Leányfalu, 2016
This year, with the SIEMPRE FLAMENCO summer course, we are moving out of the capital to the beautiful Danube canyon, to the Leányfalu Faluház, next to the waterfront. Date 4-5-6-7 […]
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
The workshop entitled 'Blossoming Flowers of My Inner Being' invites you to make space for the qualities, qualities and feelings that you want to open up in your body and […]
Ljubljana, 1000 Szlovénia
Alicante, Spanyolország
Puebla Torneza, Spanyolország
Madrid, Spanyolország
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
The workshop is called 'Creative dance' and invites you to discover how you can 'create' with your body, your movements, your dance, using focused attention and conscious intention. What can […]
Maribor, Szlovénia
"You are cordially invited to a flamenco workshop with a top flamenco dancer and singer, Maria Keck. The level of the workshop is mixed. Beginners as well as those who […]
Ljubljana, 1000 Szlovénia
Advent and the winter solstice are a time to look inward in the silence and darkness of winter, to find the light at last. Nature invites us at this time […]
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
You are welcome to my Autumn Female Gypsy Dances workshop, where we will evoke traditional Turkish, Indian, Spanish and Balkan Romani women's dance techniques for inspiration, and unleash our bodies […]
Ljubljana, 1000 Szlovénia
The autumn equinox marks a transition from an outpouring, fertile period towards the silence. This time of year we think through, clean and put in order the things we lived […]
Bresternica, 2354 Szlovénia
In this workshop we honor a phase of nature with our movements, voice and touch. We seek for alignment with the symbolic meaning of one of our yearly cicle's stages. […]
XX. Festival Internacional de Danzas del mundo Detailed schedule of the workshops:ón-22
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
Ljubljana, 1000 Szlovénia
Pécs, Baranya 7621 Magyarország
Pécs, Baranya 7621 Magyarország
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
Ljubljana, 1000 Szlovénia
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
Budapest, 1076 Magyarország
Ljubljana, 1000 Szlovénia
Madrid, Spanyolország