De Cobre

De Cobre is a Gypsy-Hungarian flamenco fusion project. The songs, in Spanish and Hungarian, are composed by Maria Keck, and are set in the flamenco style, bringing the flavors of Hungarian folklore and Eastern European Gypsy culture to life in De Cobre’s performances. In these performances, traditional threads are intertwined with personal strings, music, song and dance pulsate in a unique formulation, creating a symbiosis rich in contrasts and influences.
Since its formation in 2010, De Cobre has collaborated with many prominent international flamenco artists and world musicians (Bettina Flater, Ernesto Bravo, Adrián Benito, Kati Golenko, Paz de Manuel, Jorge Arena, Fernando Soto, Leandro Bianchi, Víctor Guadiana, Dario Santamaría Romero, Miguel Reyes, Angel Ramos, Evelin Tóth, Luca Kézdy, Péter Szalai, Zsolt Bánhalmi, János Illés) and has toured the world, performing in the following venues, among others:
Centro Cultural Teatro Galileo, Centro Cultural Príncipe de Asturias, Centro Cultural Eduardo Úrculo, Centro Cultural Orcasur, Centro Cultural San Juan Bautista, Teatro Galileo, Museo Thyssen, La noche de los teatros-Las Tablas/Madrid, Museo Etnográfico de Valencia/Valencia, Centro Municipal Integrado El Coto/Gijón, Festival Flamenco on Fire/Pamplona, Spain, Novosadsko muzičko leto/Novi Sad, Serbia, II. Festival Flamenco Zagreb/Zagreb, Croatia, Múzeumkert/Sepsiszentgyörgy, Romania, MASZK/Szeged, Babel Sound Festival/Balatonlelle, Budapest Summer Festival, Műcsarnok, Fonó Budai Zeneház – record release/Budapest, Pécsi Szabadtéri Játékok/Pécs, Hungary, Café Saba/Oslo, Norway, El Perro Andaluz/Buenos Aires, Argentina, Festival Alkantara/Sicily, Italy, Folkklubs Ala Pagrabs/Riga, Latvia, Philly Joe’s Jazz Bar/Tallinn, Teatri Kodu/Tartu, Estonia, 12. Festival Cultural de Hungría en Cancún/Cancún, Mexico